Someone asked me if I could do a CASE knife. Unfortunately the only one I could find a picture of is now posted. A Case Trapper in yellow delrin handles with one of my low riders installed on it at the owners request. Just for you S.
Do you own a folding knife that does not have a pocket clip and you wish it did?
Maybe you own a folding knife with a pocket clip you've damaged?
Maybe its a folder you own but equipped with a pocket clip you just don't care for because of various reasons, the most common being that it advertises to everyone near you that you have a big ole knife on your person?
Fortunately I can solve that problem in a lot of cases. Thats right! In many cases I can make a custom pocket clip to suit your needs using the existing holes already drilled and threaded into your folder body from when it was made. In other cases I can drill and thread new holes and mount a new pocket clip if you want a different mode of carry. Some knives come with the pocket clip orientation set up for tip down carry from the factory and if you happen to like tip up carry and your knife didn't come that way it can often times be changed in this way also. However, it will void the warranty to do it this way should you choose to go this route where I have to drill new holes.
Seen here you can see two different sets of photos. In each set is three photos and two different production factory knives are shown. The first from the bottom up is a Spyderco Para-Military. The second is a Spyderco Persistence folder. If you scroll down to what would be the last picture for this post as you go down you will I know its probably confusing but this is actually the first picture even though you have to scroll down to get to it. The first picture of each set is what the knife was like from the factory. In other words its the 'before shot' when the knife first arrived here for a new clip.
You can see the factory look in that first picture of each of the two sets showing the way the pocket clip allows the knife to clip to your pocket from the factory but leaves it stuck up so its up out of the pocket, sometimes to the point its very obvious or you can opt for one of my pocket clips and hide it better by burying it in the pocket so all anyone around you sees is a pocket clip and not necessarily even well enough to identify what the clip is attached to. Some customers even opt for a color anodizing job like that khaki clip shown so the pocket clip blends with slacks at work. I've done countless blue jean blue and khaki pocket clips for folks as well as bead blasted ones. Since my clips are all made of 6Al-4V titanium alloy they are both light weight and strong and come with incredible durability and toughness as well as the inherant 'memory' that titanium is famous for.
For what its worth, besides viewing here you can view other pocket clips and my work posted by customers as well as myself by visiting either one of my two forums at the following links pasted below. You may have to register as a member to view the pictures or get on my forum, I'm not really sure. Thats a simple matter if so though and certainly worth it to view more if this interests you. Please list the referal from me when you do so if you register. Once there you can also see my other sticky posts titled "Read this if you need to mail me work" and in that thread or my "Low Rider Clip and Mailing instruction" sticky threads you can find my work order form needed for every job I do.
Once on my forum simply find the post your looking for or one with a title that interests you and click on it with your mouse to enter that thread. Feel free to ask questions or post pictures or heck start new threads of your own for any new topic you wish to discuss. If there for a clip then follow the simple instructions there in one of my sticky threads to fill out and print my form using the very easy pdf file at the link I've provided and once done use the address on the form to mail with your folder if I need it or to email the form to me if I don't need the folder from you to fit the clip. Turn around time is very quick on smaller jobs like these. Usually well within 24 hours from the day I get the knife. If its a more popular model you own that I get requests for more frequently I often times will not need your knife to make the clip since I already have the template to make it. Also if you are overseas outside the USA or have other questions contact me first and we can discuss the possibilities for your particular folding knife. Check back often on my forums and here as work gets added periodically. Thanks for stopping by. STR
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